Students hiking down a grassy hill into a valley in the Idaho backcountry.
Camera Nick Cross

Idaho Backpacking Adventure for Teens 14-15 - 2 Weeks


14 days


14 - 15 yrs



See Dates

Find challenges and fun in the mountains

This summer, it’s time for a true adventure. Dive into an unforgettable wilderness expedition with a group of peers ages 14 and 15. Work hard and have fun as you explore Idaho’s remote mountain ranges with your new friends. Hike through sweet-smelling pine forests and along high mountain passes. Climb rugged peaks and go fishing in clear alpine lakes. Learn to make tasty backcountry pizza and cinnamon rolls on a campstove. In the evenings, swap stories around a campfire and fall asleep under starry skies.

Whether you’ve been camping before or this is your first time, you’ll find new adventures in the mountains and grow your outdoor skills. Start with the basics, like pitching a tent and reading maps. As the course and your skills progress, you and your coursemates will gradually take on more responsibility for tasks like leading your hiking group and choosing campsites.

Along the way, build your self-confidence and gain real-life leadership experience. Practice good communication as you and your teammates work together to plan the day’s hiking route. Develop your problem-solving skills while navigating a steep peak ascent. Return home with new friendships, great memories, and the confidence to lead at school and in your community.

Additional Details

Essential Eligibility Criteria

Speak to an Expeditions Expert

Course Dates

4 courses

Jul 14 - 27, 2025


Full, Waitlist Available Apply Now

Aug 7 - 20, 2025
Driggs, ID


Jul 13 - 26, 2026
Driggs, ID



Aug 6 - 19, 2026
Driggs, ID



See Photos and Videos from Students and Instructors

What Our Grads Say

“By far, this was the most challenging thing I have ever done. This course pushed me to my limits, but also helped me discover new things about myself. Through NOLS I learned so much. How to bake, to identify plants and animals, to make friends with complete strangers, to work my hardest, and to lead. I am a much more confident person after my NOLS course.”

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