Explore the lush, wild coastline of British Columbia, Canada, on this month-long sea kayaking adventure. Paddle between densely forested islands and through backcountry fjords. Learn about local ecology and human history as you tackle new challenges on the water. Spend your nights camping on remote beaches and watch the sun rise over the ocean while you savor breakfast you cooked on a camp stove.
Your course will start out working on paddle and rescue techniques along protected stretches of coastline, then move to more exposed and challenging waters. As you master the basics of paddling, you’ll learn about reading tides and currents as well as minimizing risk on the ocean. You’ll develop essential backcountry living skills, like cooking and Leave No Trace, and become a more effective leader and team member. As you gain competence in teamwork, communication, and ocean travel, you and your coursemates will take on more responsibility for making decisions and managing risk. By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to organize sea kayaking trips of your own—and you’ll be prepared to lead, no matter where your next adventure takes you. This expedition is your gateway to a lifetime of exploration on the water.
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