I grew up as a city girl in Viña del Mar, Chile. In 2006 I went to New Zealand for a study abroad program, which is where I went backpacking for the very first time. After that I came back to Chile, finished school, did some guiding in Patagonia, worked in Maine leading wilderness trips for an outdoor program, and eventually took the Patagonia Year course as a scholarship student in 2013. After that I participated in the Instructor in Training program out of the Patagonia branch, took my IC in Alaska 2015 and I’ve been working full time as a field instructor since then. In 2018 I got my WEMT certification and I recently just finished my Wilderness Medicine instructor course. I don’t have a home address. When I’m not on contract I roam around southern Chile, climbing mountains, rock climbing, skiing, or baking things for friends who let me stay with them.